From the OZ to AZ in 2020 - Phase 1 Bentonville, AR

Bentonville, AR January 2020 - Wanted to take a run at a winter bike destination and chose Bentonville once again. Definitely some ups and downs in both using all the travel on my rental bike and limited airport knowledge.

Why Bentonville in January? I have been riding a full carbon ORBEA OIZ I built up in 2016 and talked my best friend and THE OZ guide to buying an ORBEA OCCAM in late 2019. Now ORBEA has this really cool program called MyO where you can custom order your paint scheme. They say it only adds 3 weeks to the order - unfortunately it was more like 3 months because mountain bikers love to customize everything and the program overshot a niche Spanish bike builder’s manufacturing schedule. This soon made him aware the 2019 bike season was not going to be breaking in his new bike for 2020 rather to riding the trusty overweight with too many gears 2013 SCOTT that has taken him so far in his MTB journey.

So in late December I get the call “Looks like I may be moving…” Well sh!t, leaving my MTB Mecca and escape from work and family. So instead of risking April again I decided to book the flight and start the 2020 season early. So, sit back and enjoy the crisis as we are going to learn this whole MTB flight travel thing together.

  • The GOOD - Bentonville has an international airport.

    • Round Trip under $300

  • The BAD - Have to connect in Chicago from Dayton or Cincinnati

    • A little foreshadowing here; stay with me.

  • COST Saver 1 : Ship your bike gear, travel with just a backpack. I shipped my gear for less than $20 - if you are renting a bike call the shop and ask if you can ship your gear to them ahead. I shipped all my helmet, gloves, shoes, pedals and apparel. Hint : make sure you have some extra space in the box - for that MOJO and OZARK Brewery shirt you are going to buy.

Cost Saver 2 : you can stay in town for roughly $125 a night VRBO - airAB in a two bedroom house. This is going to be a theme - in order to save money run with a pack of crisis travelers. You can do it with 2 but 3-4 is the best math. NatiMath = Take your stay cost down to the minimum 2 bedroom(s) with a pull out couch is a home run. Take that cost from $125 down to under $50 : now were talking. Just make sure there is concrete space for the bikes and a patio to chill at. Coordinate your destinations around friend’s spare bedrooms, I stayed in a friends RV in the driveway one year (see mountain biking Walmart style).

  • The GOOD - Larz get’s his new bike

    • MOJO Cyclery - 1100 North Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR 72712

  • The BAD - You did what to your ankle?

Okay, I am going to make this short. New year’s eve + bad decision(s) = sprained ankle.

4 days prior to arrival we find out Larz’s new bike arrived and MOJO is going to hustle and get it ready. Cool right? Upon arrival we are scheduled to pick up his bike the next day - this is going to be that epic journey I was hoping for. Well lets just say the rides where good and truthfully, I was not in MTB shape quite yet so it all worked out. Next time no non MTB injuries prior to my arrival Larz (otherwise I am going to get your wife involved).

  • Bike Rental Breakdown - $75 for the day (included tax, setup etc). I got an aluminum 2018 ORBEA OCCAM that was flawlessly setup. I highly recommend MOJO - real deal bike shop and owner Dave. He just gets it - true MTB advocate and loves too ride when he is not busted up from thinking he’s still 25.

  • Cost Saver 3 - Rent your bike for 24 hours as late as possible. This way you get a ride that afternoon and another ride the next day. Come on that’s pretty simple math, I am not going to NatiMath you on this one. If you are doing multiple days call ahead and work out a multi day deal. They will appreciate you calling ahead and traveling to check out their town.

    • I will say I am going to work in my next airline trip how to bring my bike. It’s like renting golf clubs - just never quite feels right. Or you end up spending $400 when you get home on a new driver because you hit every fairway and drove it 30 yards farther (fishing math - 50% of the fairways and 5 additional yards).

OZARK Beer / Brewery - So we always try an give everyone the lay of the land. As Mike Rerdun would say “this is a chair moment...”. Grab some grub then uber over to OZARK Beer Company - 109 N. Arkansas St, Rogers, AR 72756. I am definitely a BudLight / Red Stripe guy but this is just darn good beer. In addition, the owner’s are super chill and cool. I spent a couple hours with Jefferson (1 of the 3 owners), his wife and kids just talking about life and trying to make it. Working full-time, starting up a company with 2 others and being a husband and dad. Really puts why you need to travel and put yourself out there. Free HAT to first who can answer OZARK Beer trivia question (this is legit) - who bought this first non commercial keg from OZARK Brewery?

  • The Good - Got to hang at a really great place with friends and met another midlife crisis member reaching for something and not hesitating. Thanks for the time Jefferson.

  • The Bad - Flights got cancelled all across midwest. Had to cut our conversation short as it became scramble time.

That’s right - Ice storms sweep across the midwest. Remember that foreshadowing thing. Chicago is shut down and there is no way around going through Chicago to get back to Dayton/Cincinnati. So that takes us to the next must stop spot in Bentonville as I get another day to hang. After your Slaughter Pen ride and that great asphalt climb out back to town the next must stop is Flying Fish - 109A NW 2nd St. Bentonville, AR 72712.


Okay now you have the layout - lets get to the some facts. January biking in Bentonville works. Trails were in great shape, I just can’t get enough of Slaughter Pen its got everything a single track rider needs. Want to a little kick in the butt - run up the road to the Back 40 and/or play around Bella Vista.

  1. Flight XNA Northwest Arkansas National Airport. $300 (270 Flight 25 Uber)

  2. Room - Sorry this one was free. Thanks Riley for letting me steal your room for a couple of nights. Not my fault on that extra day, blame Mother Nature

  3. Bike Rental - pulled 2 days of riding in 24 hours. $75

  4. Shipping - bike gear $ 40 round trip (way cheaper than an extra bag charge).

  5. Food, Beverage and Entertainment - Roughly $150. Remember I stayed with friends so dinners were at the house and a case of beer from Walmart is cheaper than any bar I know.

  6. Airport parking - $30

Rough overall cost $600 - not bad for a solo mission.

Hope you all enjoyed the journey and have fun on that next midlife crisis journey. Check out phase 2 - Sedona.

Overall - Third Trip to the OZ

  • The Good :

    • MOJO Cycling.


    • Flying Fish.

  • The Bad :

    • NONE - Got an extra day because of flight cancellation

      • Thanks honey for teaching the basics of DBT


From the OZ to AZ in 2020 - Phase 2 SEDONA


2020 Kings Royal